Getting arrested is no picnic. Whether you are guilty of the crime or not, the process is stressful and tedious. Not knowing the outcome can also be very overwhelming. Following an arrest you have the opportunity of getting bailed out after the judge assesses the amount based on your circumstances. Where this a traumatic experience, you need to get out of jail as soon as possible to make personal arrangements and most importantly get your defense in order. Today, we at Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds would like to share some tips and advice on how you can expedite the bail process and get out sooner than later.
Factors in Determining Bail
In order to bail out of jail, you have to see the judge so the courts set your bail amount. The judge listens to the details of your arrest and factoring past criminal record and severity of your crime, they will set a bail amount that they deem fair. Bail can be paid cash, credit, or even check in some states depending on the amount, where others only take the bail bond or if the amount is too high for cash transactions. The situation that calls for bail requires for you to hire a bail bondsman who charges a percentage of the fee to present the courts the bond for your release. As long as the client adheres to the court dates, no additional costs are assessed. However, if there was a capital crime committed or guilt is fairly evident, bail can be denied.
How to Get Out of Jail Sooner
There are some things you can you can do little to expedite the process; seeing the judge and paper work for example, but there are some things the defendant can do to get released sooner.
1) Call the Bail Bondsman: Get in touch with the bail bondsman as quickly as possible and before all else. Doing so will get the process started sooner than procrastinating it and it will also flow smoother and more efficiently.
2) Have all Pertinent Information Ready: For a rapid release, having all the information together will be helpful. Knowing the charges in detail, inmate number, jail location, and all other such information, especially if you are calling on behalf of someone, all the pertinent information will help quicken the process.
3) Know the Bail Schedule: Certain offenses carry one set bail and the amount you have to pay that will be evident and finding out this information will help will help the bondsman get everything in order faster.
4) Understand Your Rights: A lawyer may be required if the bail is excessive or you feel you are being untreated. Not generally a common issue, but if the circumstances surrounding your predicament makes you fear for your safety or other dire factors, you are within your rights to see your lawyer at any time.
Bail Bond Services in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced County, Visalia & Tulare County, Hanford & Kings County, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
At Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds, our team of experts work together to get your bail ready and you out of jail as quickly as possible. We are available 24/7 to assist you in getting released from jail in an efficient and timely manner, call us as soon as possible to get started!