Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds of Fresno, California is experienced and resourceful at performing bail bonds for your or a loved one that has been arrested. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our experts can assist in the process of posting bail and answer the many questions the inexperienced may have with the process. No matter the amount of your bail, we can help you make it happen. Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds performs our services quickly and discretely for people in Fresno, Madera, Kings, and Tulare County in Central Valley, California.
Bailout for Domestic Violence
Among the many charges Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds performs our bailing service for are Domestic Violence Bail Bonds. For people that get arrested for domestic violence chargers, the experience has been distressful and frightening, especially in the event that the circumstances to the arrest were false or not entirely accurate. With Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds on your side, we can help expedite your stay in lock up once you have been through the arraignment process. With our 24/7 availability, we can get you out, day or night.
Domestic Violence Bail Bond Conditions Such as Restraining Orders
Domestic violence is present among any race, age, religion, gender, and even financial standing. There are no boundaries. If your loved one has been arrested on such charges, we encourage you to contact Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds of Fresno, California to answer the questions you have. Without the need for them in the past, most people do not how the system works, procedures, or protocols. A domestic violence bail bond is like any other bail bond obtained for release of a defendant from jail. The major and minor stipulations apply, like attending all of your court mandated hearings and not being arrested for additional crimes while your bail bond is in effect. In many instances, the domestic violence bail bond can include restraining orders or other legally binding limitations. It is essential the defendant released on bail understands the importance of how the restraining order affects your daily life. The restraining order that often accompanies the bail bond forbids the defendant from having contact; physical, phoning, texting, social media, and so on with the victim. Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds can walk you through the details and explain in detail what you can and cannot do.
History of Police Involvement in Domestic Violence Arrests
Domestic violence cases didn’t always have to be associated with an arrest prior to 1984. Before then, domestic violence offenses had to be witnessed by a police officer to allow them to legally arrest the defendant, and since most domestic violence acts happened behind closed doors, officers were required to have a warrant before any arrests were made. In 1984 the United States Attorney General stepped in and made a domestic violence allegation a mandatory arrest; a standard procedure in a domestic violence dispute. This was incorporated after a study performed in Minnesota found that the numbers of domestic violence significantly decreased when word got round a mandatory evening in jail was mandatory. With that new implemented protocol, domestic bail bonds became a necessity.
Domestic Bail Bonds in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced County, Visalia & Tulare County, Hanford & Kings County, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
If you or a loved one is in need of a domestic violence bail bond, contact Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds immediately. Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds can assist you with any questions you may have, and get you or your loved one released from jail fast.