Spring break is commonly looked forward to by all students of all ages. A weeklong break from the stress of studying, tests, and sitting in the classroom or at home in front of a computer. For the high school and college students, partying is on the mind and alcohol is commonly a major component of Spring break parties. If you participate in such activities don’t forget that you’re not allowed to drink alcohol until you’re twenty-one years old. It will also have a negative impact on your life over the next few years if you choose to ignore this, an underage drinking charge won’t just ruin your spring break. You will find yourself on the wrong side of the law if your blood alcohol content is over .05 and you’re under twenty-one and it doesn’t matter if you’re pulled over for speeding or if the cops show up at a party. A single beer is all it takes to put you over .05, for the record. Keeping this in mind, we at Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds would like to further discuss the topic of underage and spring break.
Effects of Underage Drinking
Back when the penalties for underage drinking was a difficult phone call to your parents and some community service times have long passed. During spring break, California lawmakers have decided to crack down on underage drinking. The potential consequences for the first time you get caught drinking while you are underage include:
– Serving 24-32 hours of community service
– A $250 fine
– Alcohol education program attendance
After the first conviction, each time you are caught drinking while underage the consequences are:
– A one-year driver’s license suspension
– A $500 fine
– Community service of 36-48 hours
The potential consequences can include the list below for the very first time you’re caught drinking and driving while underage:
– Leading to significantly higher insurance premiums, you lose your good driver status for 10 full years
– Serving at least 48 hours in jail
– Probation of 3 years
– Your current driving record will have 2 points added
An ignition lock on any vehicles that are registered in your name may be installed in some California counties. Minors are not the only ones who can get into trouble for underage drinking, which is important to know. Also, those who find themselves on the wrong side of the law includes anyone who allows minors to drink.
Consequence of a Teenager that is Drinking & Driving?
If that child is caught behind the wheel while under the influence, parents who allow their children to consume alcohol while at home can get into serious trouble. A one-year jail sentence and a $1,000 is included for a guilty conviction of letting a minor drive while intoxicated. They can hit you with a one-year jail sentence and a $2,500 fine if the court decides that you’ve contributed to the delinquency of a minor.
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A misdemeanor charge that can include a year in jail and a $1,000 fine can be faced to a business that serve alcohol to minor. Their business license can also be jeopardized by the charge. Ultimately, during spring break it is in everyone’s best interest to remember that alcohol and minors shouldn’t mix. Should you find that you had made a mistake and have been arrested in any capacity of underage drinking in Fresno, CA and surrounding areas, contact Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds to get yourself or a loved one bailed out from jail.