When you are a driver of a motorized vehicle you are responsible for the control of your car, truck, van or motorcycle. You have taken a driving test as well as a written exam to show that you know what is expected of you as a driver on the road. When you break any of the laws of the roads you can have your licensed suspended and you could even face criminal charges. One law that many people are arrested for is a DUI or a DUID. A DUI is a charge that you can get when you are driving under the influence of alcohol. A DUID is when you are arrested while driving under the influence of a drug. When you are arrested for a DUI or a DUID you need to know what you are dealing with and why these charges are not treated lightly.
Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds Lists Everything You Need to Know About Receiving a DUI or DUID & How To Get Bailed Out
What Is The Difference Between a DUI & DUID in California?: These two types of charges that you can be arrested for are similar in nature. The difference is what the person is actually under the influence of. You may receive a DUI if you are caught driving after you have had alcoholic beverages. There is a limit that you need to be under to be safe and ready to drive. A DUID is when you are caught driving after you have used a drug that effects your actions. Some people think that it only counts if you are using an illegal drug but the law says that you cannot drive a vehicle after using any mind alerting substances. It can be a prescription that a doctor has given you and told you not to operate machinery while using. The testing for DUID to prove the substance you used is affecting you is different than the test given for DUI. A breathalyzer works to show alcohol but blood work is necessary to prove other substances the driver may have taken.
What Happens If You Are Charged with A DUID or DUI?: Not every driving violation is treated the same. The officer can take into account your background and record when proceeding with their arrest or ticket. A DUI or DUID is not taken lightly and will usually be dealt with harshly because the driver has put others at risk with the decision. There are several outcomes when charged with a DUI or DUID. You could have your licensed suspended, as well as pay fines to the city or county. You could even receive probation and depending in the charge and the severity of the case you could be incarcerated. If you are arrested for either of these crimes you need to do what you can to get bail.
Bail Bond For a DUI or DUID: Whatever it is that you are arrested for the first step is to call a licensed bail company. We can work with your family or friends to get your bail arranged and paid so that you can be released. You will be required to see the judge and return to see what sentence you will be given. As with any conditions of bail it is important that you attend all meeting and court dates to stay out of jail.
Bail Services For DUI & DUID Arrests In Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced County, Visalia & Tulare County, Hanford & Kings County, Madera County and the Central Valley of California.
Whether for DUI or other charges, Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds offers compassionate bail bond services to get you out of jail! Contact us for all your bail bond needs.