If you are in the Fresno area and have a loved one that has been arrested and put in jail, you usually have the option of a bail bond to get them out. If you are offered this option and you choose not to take it for any reason, the arrested will be held in jail where you may want to take time to visit them. A visit from a loved one can help to boost the inmate’s confidence and make the stay easier to get through. No matter what jail or detention center that you go to, there is going to be policies and rules that you will need to be familiar with. If you fail to know and follow the rules you will have wasted a trip to the jail and you will not be able to see your loved one at all. Each facility should have a website that has the information that you need or you can call to ask for a list of rules. Being prepared for your visit it a great way to have a smooth and meaningful visit.
Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds lists the requirements that you should know before visiting your loved one at the Fresno County Jail.
When Can You Visit Your Loved One in Jail?: If you want to come and visit your loved one in the Fresno County Jail you will need to know what days they allow visits. Visiting week starts on Saturday and ends on Friday. The week is set as such since the inmate is only allotted a specific amount of visiting time a week. The days that are available to you and your inmate will be determined on the day of the week and the pod or floor that they are being housed in. It is best to visit the website to see the specifics.
How Long Can You Visit an Inmate in Jail?: Each inmate is allotted an hour of visit time a week. They are normally set up in two separate visits on different days. You can ask for a special visit that is once a week for an hour and it could be awarded if the schedule permits.
How Does the Jail Visit Work & Who Can Visit?: You are going to get to visit with your loved one in a visiting room. They is no contact and you will be sat at a window that you will get to see your loved one on the other side. The space will be equipped with a headset on each side so that you can lift up the receiver and talk to your loved one for the allotted amount of time. A minor child of the inmate can come to the visit as long as the child is accompanied by a responsible adult.
What Identification Do You Need to Visit Someone in Jail?: When you go to the jail for a visit you are going to need to show proper ID to the officer. You can use a DMV or state issued identification card or a military ID card. You can also use your passport or a Department of Justice or Department of Immigration card. These all the same thing in common and that is they show who you are and your photo.
Rules During Your Jail Visit: When you come for your visit, pack light. You are not permitted to bring anything in the jail with you except your identification and the keys to your car. If you have a child that requires a diaper you can bring one bottle and one diaper with you as well. All other items are prohibited which include, purses, bags, food, cell phones, weapons, drugs and anything else you can think of. For a smooth visit leave it all at home! You also need to stay in the chair that is provided and you may not expose yourself in any manner. You are also only permitted to visit with the inmate that you were approved to see and no one else including other visitors. You must also conclude your visit when asked to by the supervising officer.
Dress Code Rules for Visiting an Inmate: You will need to follow very specific dress code while you are on your visit. If you fail to, you will be turned away and you will not be permitted your visit for that day. You must wear footwear at all times and you cannot wear shower shoes and slippers. You must have your undergarments covered at all times and your shorts, skirts or dresses must not come more than three inches above the knee while standing. If you have zippers and buttons they need to be fastened while you are on the visit. Be aware that there are several clothing items that are prohibited and should be avoided if you want to visit. NO clothes that show obscene words or pictures, no bare midriffs, swimsuits, transparent clothes or mesh. Also clothes that have holes or spandex that shows off too much of the natural shape of the body.
Bail Bond Services in Fresno, Atwater, Merced, Selma, Visalia, Hanford and Madera and the Central Valley of California.
Going to visit a loved one in jail is hard on both visitor and inmate, especially with all of the rules and restrictions in place. With the above rules and codes in mind, don’t let your loved one go behind bars. Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds can provide the bail you need to keep your friend or family member close to you. Contact us if you or a loved one gets arrested!