If you have ever been involved in domestic violence you know that it can be scary and you may not know what you can do. There are some people that don’t know who they can tell and they may feel ashamed. If you are the victim, you have rights and you can get yourself help. It is important to understand domestic violence and what happens when you call the police on someone that has committed the crime. When you are arrested for a crime no matter what it is and you will be taken to the jail and processed. After the arrest they are going to have to see the judge before they are able to get bailed out. This is often enough time for the victim to make arrangements for their safety.
Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds Outlines What Domestic Violence is & What Happens When Someone is Arrested
What is Domestic Violence: This is a vague term that can actually encompass a large variety of abuse. The term refers to the abuse that may happen between partners that are married, or in a relationship. You can be a victim of physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and so much more. The abuse can be at any level and the person that is being abused usually will allow it for some time. Most victims will try and play off the start of the abuse and make excuses for the issues. Be sure to keep aware of what is acceptable and what you should never allow in a relationship. Once you recognize that you are a victim of some sort it is your duty to reach out for help. If you know someone that is being abused in any of these ways you want to make sure that you give them an opportunity to get help as well. Be a trusted source of help and knowledge.
How Can You Get Help for Domestic Violence?: There are several ways that a person can have an abuser removed from the area. The first is when an officer or other citizen hears and or sees signs that there is abuse happening and will act as a witness. The other is if an officer is called out to a location and the person that is being abused steps up and offers the statement. The offender will then be taken to jail and arrested.
What Do You Do After Arrest for Domestic Violence?: You want to make sure that you use your time wisely after the offender has been arrested. The time is best used by getting yourself out of the environment and to a place that is safe. You can also use the time to meet with a judge and have an order placed that will restrain the person from coming near you again. Also be sure that you know when they are being released on bail so that you are ready and know to stay away as well.
Bail Bonds Services for Domestic Violence Arrests & More in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced, Visalia & Tulare, Hanford & Kings, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds is able to help get your loved one released from jail on bail bond. Call us today to talk to one of our agents.