If you are a California notary, you are very excited for the new year to arrive. This means big changes that include more money. California has now passed a bill that allows notaries to raise the limit they are allowed to charge. Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds is here to talk a bit more about what this means for California notaries.
California Maximum Notary Fees Increase & Other Changes
The last time California notary limits were raised was in 1993. At that time the limit was set at $10. Here we are more than two decades later, and the limit is finally being raised. California Governor Jerry Brown has authorized the new cap be set at $15, giving California notaries a raise of 50%. This isn’t the only change that will be taking place for California notaries. The changes include:
• Acceptable Forms of ID– There are a few changes that will be happening with the forms of ID that will be accepted. Now if a person is showing a foreign passport to prove their identity, they don’t have to have a current visa stamp on them from USCIS or DHS. Also, if a person has an ID card issued to them from a federally recognized tribal government, it is accepted. And lastly, a valid consular identification card is accepted when it is issued by the consulate of a person’s country of citizenship.
• Acceptable Delivery Methods & Notary ID– This law states that it is now acceptable to communicate with the country and state by certified mail or any other mail that produces a receipt of the transaction. When filing the oath at the county office, notaries are required to show an acceptable ID.
• Maximum Fees Allowed– The maximum fees allowed has been increased by 50% from $10 now to $15.
Push to Raise California Notary Fees
There is overwhelming support for this change. Getting the minimum fees raised means a lot to California notaries and their businesses. Notaries played a big role in getting the ball rolling with more than 1,200 messages being sent after an article was published in the Notary Bulletin in which the author encouraged notaries to get involved.
Notary Fees by State
It isn’t just California that is calling for change. Kentucky, Hawaii, and the District of Columbia have all made changes to notary fees. There are many other states that are also considering making changes. Kentucky not only changed fees but they have made it possible for notaries to come up with their own fees for notarizations. There are many in California that still feel like that should be the change made there as well.
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Here at Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds, you don’t have to worry about getting your bail bond notarized elsewhere. We can do that for you right here. If you have a loved one that you need to get home as soon as possible we can help. Call us today!