Being arrested is not something that anyone wants to go through. This is often one of the worst times of your life even though many times it is due to lack of judgement on your part. It is usually a time where you are not doing your best and you likely have made some bad decisions. You can be arrested for a plethora of reasons that span the spectrum. You can have outstanding bills for traffic citations or you can be charged with crimes of violence. You want to make sure that anything that you are arrested for you know what you are up against. You also want to make sure that you know what you should be doing when you are arrested. If you have never been through the arresting process you might be nervous about what will happen. You want to make sure that after you are arrested you make good choices and stay on top of your case. The reality is that when you are in jail there is not a lot that you can do except making sure the right people are on your side. In California, an arrestee has a right immediately after booking to make at least three phone calls within three hours of arrest. Generally, these calls may be made to an attorney, a bail bondsman, and a relative. You want to make sure that your calls count so Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds outlines who you should call when arrested.
Call a Bail Bondsman
One of the most important calls that you will want to make is to the person that will be able to quickly get you out of jail. The best person that you will start with is a bail bond service. They are in the business of getting people out of jail after they have been arrested. The great thing is that they know the system in your area well. They also have all the contacts that they need to talk to the jail, court and booking department. They have a lot of experience in how long things will take and when you should be able to get bonded out. They can be the main lead on getting information about your release such as the amount that is set by the judge and when the release date is set. You want to make sure that when you make this call they have as much of your information as you can.
When Arrested, Call a Lawyer
There are some people that have a lawyer that they have used for other areas of their life. This might be a good place to start even if they are not the type of lawyer that you might need for your case. They can usually help get you in contact with someone that can help. You can also find a lawyer that you have heard of that you know specializes in criminal cases. You want to make sure that you have good representation for your case.
Call a Family Member when Going to Jail
You want to also make sure that you call your family or someone that you trust that can help to navigate for you while you are in the jail. The family can keep in contact with the bail bond company and your lawyer until you are able to get released. It is important to have someone that you trust know what is going on.
Bail Bond Services in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced, Visalia & Tulare, Hanford & Kings, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds can help to get you out of jail so you can work on your case. Call us today!