The fall season is heading in fast and that means the students are heading back to class. Younger kids are still at home and under their parent or guardian’s supervision but college students are out on their own. This means that they could be making decisions on their own that can end up getting them in trouble. Trouble for a college student is different than a younger child because they are an adult. That means trouble for them many times comes in the form of an arrest. There are many reasons that college students get arrested and the majority of them are alcohol, drugs or violence charges. These are all arrests that happen from a college student getting caught up in the life that exists around the area. When they have their first time making choices they can go too far and end up needing some help. Although they are an adult, the phone call they are going to make to get out of jail will most likely be to their parent or guardian. This is a dreaded phone call to any parent and now you have to decide what you are going to do about the arrest and the bail.
Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds Explains What You Should Do If You Have A College Student That Has Been Arrested
How Do I Know If My Child Has Been Arrested: If you have a child that is under age and been arrested you will be alerted to the arrest. Now if you have a student that is in college and is arrested you might know about it or you may never find out. Unless you are trolling the county jail sites in your spare time, you may not know. Although most students will call a parent, they do not have to. If the child decides they want to contact you then you will receive a call from the jail with your child on the other line letting you know the situation they are in. This is the only time that you will get information about the arrest since they are an adult they can decide to tell their parents or not. This information is important to have when you call a bail company.
Can The College Student Bail Themselves Out: The student that has been arrested could potentially have enough money to come up with the amount needed for bail. The issue is that they will not have access to the bank so someone will have to pay on their behalf. There are some arrests that the bail will allow the person to be released on their own recognizance and that means they won’t need the help of a loved one. Most of the time the person will need the support of a family member or friend to get bailed out.
Should You Bail Out Your Son or Daughter: This is a question that you have to ask yourself when your child calls from college to say they have been arrested. When it comes to bail, you are on the hook whether you get paid back or not. That means you need to feel confident that the person you are bailing out, including your child, is responsible enough to attend any and all court appointed meetings and dates. You will need to know what jail the person is in when you contact the bail company.