Beautiful beaches, home to sunshine, Hollywood, Disneyland and some very weird questionable laws California is known as the “Golden State.” Though they are rarely enforced, unless someone truly wants to push the issue, there are a handful of laws that are technically still in the books. You likely did not even know you broke some of these laws you may have already violated. Whether you are rubbernecking or disrupting the actions of emergency vehicles, we have all been guilty of breaking this law and most likely done it on numerous occasions. You can be charged with a misdemeanor or even jail time for impeding emergency workers from accessing the accident, under California Penal Code 402 (a) 3, if you stop or even slow down at the scene of an accident. Today, we at Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds would like to discuss the strange laws that can get you arrested.
What are Some Weird Illegal Laws
1) An I.D. is required for purchase and most of the time spray paint is locked up. It specifically states that giving a minor 6 ounces of spray paint or more is illegal, giving spray paint to a minor under California Penal Code 594.1 (a)(1) 4. In addition to the possibility of inhalant abuse, this law was placed into effect to discourage youth vandalism. A person could face jail time, large fines or community service if charged as a first offense.
2) Though under California Penal Code Section 487, stealing a coffee shop’s wi-fi without purchasing anything could result in larceny charges fining you up to $5000 in fines and up to one year in jail, most of us love coffee and have at least once in our lifetime gone into a coffee shop to use their “free” wi-fi, especially college students.
3) Sadly, being a snoop can land you up to one year of jail time and cost you a $5000 fine. Unfortunately, you have just committed a crime if you disclose a text message that was not intended for you. This is similar to opening someone else’s mail. It will end up costing you under California Penal Code section 637.2 (a) 5, punishes an invasion of privacy, such as reading someone else’s text messages.
There is an off chance that breaking any of these may potentially end you in jail, so just be cautious, even though these laws are rarely ever enforced.
What is the Weirdest Thing that is Illegal?
These are just a few of the strange laws that can get you arrested, however, there is a list below of a few headscratchers.
1) A vehicle may not exceed 60 miles an hour without a driver. (Yes, you read that right.)
2) It is illegal to have a pet bear, gorilla, crocodile, or any other wild animal in the city of San Francisco. it seems as if some people in the San Francisco community needed a reminder this since was already a California State law.
3) No frisbees or footballs were allowed to be used on Los Angeles beaches without prior permission from a lifeguard, before 2012 when this law was thrown out.
4) Women are required to have a permit to wear heels more than two inches in height or with a base of less than one square inch in Carmel, California. Permits are available at city hall. While visiting Carmel, this one is most likely to get you a fine.
5) It is illegal to store anything other than automobiles in a garage in San Francisco and Long Beach.
Bail Bond Services in Clovis, Reedley, Sanger, Selma, Atwater, Los Banos, Merced, Visalia, Porterville, Tulare, Hanford, Corcoran, Lemoore, Fresno and the Central Valley of California
No matter if you get arrested for a silly crime or a major offense, when you need bail, call the professionals of Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds and let us help you!