If you have never had to deal with a bail company there are lots of terms that we will use. We use specific legal terms as well as terms that are specific to their business that you may not be aware of. No one wants to deal with a bail company because that means that you have a loved one that has been arrested. It is a sensitive time in anyone’s life and you want to be as prepared as you can. Educating yourself on the terms and responsibilities that exist when someone is arrested is important. This will help if you ever find yourself in a position where you need to bail someone out of jail. If you are the trusted loved one that the person that is arrested calls for help you will hear the term ‘indemnitor’. This is a word that you most likely have not come across in everyday life and can seem somewhat intimidating.
Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds Offers What An Indemnitor Is & What Is Expected Of The Person That Accepts the Responsibility
What Is An Indemnitor: When you call a bail bond company for a loved one or a defendant that has been arrested we will have all sorts of information for you. We will have paperwork that you will be required to sign and your line will label you the indemnitor. That terms means that you are the one that has accepted the responsibility including financial of the arrested party. You are taking on a huge risk and that is why you need to be fully prepared for the responsibilities that come with this particular aspect. The indemnitor is the one that will be paying up the fee that is reserved so the bail company will post a bond for the arrestee. They are then released but far from done with their responsibilities to the court and the jail.
What Is The Indemnitor Responsible For: When someone has been arrested they are booked at the jail and await a time to see the judge. The judge will set an amount that is to secure their release that is called bail. The bail bond company pays the bail in the form of a bond. The indemnitor will have had to meet with and sign documents prior to the payout. The indemnitor is also the one that will have had to bring the percentage that is required to the bail company to post the bond. Further, they are also the person the bail company will contact if there is any issue in locating the suspect or if the suspect runs from their court dates. Any missing court appearances means the bail company will revoke the bond and bring the suspect back to jail. You may be on the hook for any fees that are associated with collecting of said person. Your obligation only is severed after the case has been completed or dismissed.
Bail Bond Services In Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced County, Visalia & Tulare County, Hanford & Kings County, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds offers compassionate and prompt bail bond services to get you or your loved one out of jail fast! Contact us today to learn more about our bail bond services.