Spring break is a great time to let loose and party hard with your friends and family. Unfortunately, many of us tend to overdo the party aspect of spring break and end up getting into trouble that we did not fully anticipate. Arrests always peak this time of year due to excess partying, drinking and other antics that go on. Innocent mistakes are made and arrests happen, leaving some not knowing exactly how to handle the situation because it is often their very first arrest. Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds will walk you through the process and help you get out of jail while you await your court date. Contact us for compassionate bail bond services that get your and your loved ones out of jail fast!
Avoid Underage Drinking of Alcohol this Spring Break
One of the biggest offences that occur during Spring Break is underage drinking. Many high school and college students somehow come to the assumption that the law does not apply to the week of spring break and that a little or in most cases a lot of drinking will not get them into any trouble at all. People who are arrested for underage drinking are usually experiencing their very first arrest and have no idea how to handle the situation. Having Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds number in your back pocket just in case is not a bad idea. If you are of age to drink alcohol, keep in mind that purchasing alcohol for people who are underage is also a crime. Be responsible this spring break and keep the law so you stay out of jail and stay safe as well.
What Happens if You Get Charged With Assault & Battery
Large groups of people, loud music and alcohol all mixed together somehow always lead to some type of fight or disturbance. Many people decide that spring break is the perfect time to back their buddies play and get into a physical altercation with whomever they feel has disrespected them in some way. While having your bros back is a strong sign of loyalty, don’t allow it to turn into pure stupidity by getting into a fight that the police will respond to and leave you standing with your hands cuffed behind your back when you could’ve easily made the choice to chill out and enjoy the remainder of the festivities. Sometimes the altercation comes to you, even when you are not looking for it and you end up on the wrong side of the law without having done anything wrong at all.