A bench warrant is the most common type of warrant issued in the State of California. Bench warrants differ from arrest warrants, and the bench warrants are issued by a judge. Today, we at Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds would like to share some basic facts of a California Bench Warrant.
Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear & More
1) Bench Warrant issuing reasons. In cases where someone fails to show up for a trial is the most common reason for bench warrant, they are also frequently issued by a judge to people who refuse to pay a fine or does not respond to a court order. Bench orders are issued when you are in contempt of court, generally speaking.
2) Bench warrants often paired with additional penalties. Bench warrants are often in conjunction with other types of punishments; such as fines, prison sentence, and driver license suspension.
3) Missing court date excuses. You may potentially get the warrant eliminated should a bench warrant has been issued because you forgot to go to your trial. Within 180 days of the bench warrant being issued, you need to go to the courts to do that. The courts may accept excuses related to severe illnesses, disability or being detained by a jail in another jurisdiction, among other exceptions.
4) Bench warrant can cause you to lose bail. You may end up losing bail that you have posted in some instances where a bench warrant is issued for failure to appear for your trial. Not only will the courts keep the bail and issued a bench warrant, the bail bond company loses that amount if you worked with a bail bond company. For them to get their money back they have the right to pursue you, have you arrested, and delivered to the courts.
5) Bench warrant protocol. Before the courts can keep your bail there is a protocol that they need to follow. The bench warrant must first be entered into the National Crime Information Center database by the courts in particular. Regardless of whether you or a bail bond company paid it or not, the courts cannot keep your bail amount if it is not done correctly.
6) Bench warrant payment. A few different things may happen whether a bench warrant has been issued and you get arrested or voluntarily appear before the courts. There are some instances where you may be taken into custody until the bench warrant is payed. In some cases, the courts may release you and arrange a payment for the bench warrant. Also, the courts may even reduce the amount in few cases.
7) Paying a bench warrant with a bail bond company. You can work with a bail bond company if you cannot afford a bench warrant on your own. The bail bond company covers the rest of the amount after you pay a fee, in basics. There are a few surrounding circumstances that if you meet the qualifying credit, you may not have to pay upfront costs and pay the bail bond on payments.
Bail Bond Services in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced, Visalia & Tulare, Hanford & Kings, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
If you need assistance paying bench warrants or need any other bail posted, call Robert Sepulveda Bail Bonds and work with our experienced professionals to get your bail paid.